Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Willkommen im Sprachzentrum
Einstufungstest: Einstufungstest: DaF/German: Einstufungstest für Semesterkurse | Placement test (for semester courses only!) |SoSe 24 - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Einstufungstest: Einstufungstest: DaF/German: Einstufungstest für Semesterkurse | Placement test (for semester courses only!) |SoSe 24
Semester SoSe 2024
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 87
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 100
Heimat-Einrichtung Sprachenzentrum
Veranstaltungstyp Einstufungstest in der Kategorie Lehre

Veranstaltungsort / Veranstaltungszeiten

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Please FOLLOW the steps to register for a German class if you haven't been learning with us before.
Note: Registering for the placement test does NOT automatically secure a place in a language course.

1. Register for the course "placement test" here. This is mandatory for new students and for those, who are learning autonomously and wish to proceed faster.
2. Go to
and add your email address to where the results will be sent afterwards. Then sit the test. Please make sure you do the test by yourself and finish it, once you cannot answer questions any more. Don't guess!
3. Send the results you received to our email inbox at:
4. You will find the result you sent us in your personal profile on stud.IP so that you are able to enroll in a German language class with that. Please enroll for a class that is a level higher than the one you got in your placement test.
5. If you need assistance or have further questions on the procedure, please contact the admin staff at:
OR click on the link below to find out more on how to proceed after registering for the placement test: